Saturday, August 30, 2014

First Time's the Charm (Shh... there's a list in this post).

As you can see from the list of blog posts, I just started this whole blogging thing. I had a few excellent reasons for doing this:

  1. it was on my list of "Things to Do Before I Start College."
  2. See above. 

Basically, I've wanted to get to blogging for a long, long time, and a few very flattering people have told me I would be good at it. So, here goes. My list of "Things I've Done for the First Time (in the Last Ten Days)."

1. My very first album became available online.
(isn't it cute? I know. It's I'm adorable). 

2. Started a CS Lewis book I haven't already read -- yes, that is still possible. It's called The Abolition of Man and I highly recommend it. It's about modern education, only it was written in 1947, so the next time someone talks about the "good old days," they're probably lying. They weren't born. 

3. Moved out of my house on my own. Specifically, I moved off Maui entirely and now I'm living in Azusa, CA for college. 
Yeah. I willingly don't live here. 

4. I moved into an apartment with not-related-to-me roommates. And I think I just woke one of them up. Hashtag: it's not a typewriter, I just type like a beast. 

5. Speaking of the apartment, I'm attending a brand-new college, Azusa Pacific University. Go Cougars! Yay transfers! That also means: new campus, new state, new bills, new grocery store, new friends, new food, new classes, and new bedding. And a clip fan that attaches to my bunk bed. 

6. Bought clothing related to a college of any kind. For those of you who have ever been to Wal-Mart in Hawai'i, you know it's next to impossible to miss all the University of Hawai'i swag. The Maui College Campus is just as bad. Want a pen? UHMC. Want a folder? UHMC. The worst part is, we all still call it MCC. As in, "I go to MCC... I mean UHMC. University of Hawai'i Maui College. Yep, its a real college now!" *Cries* So that I bought THREE WHOLE APU PRODUCTS is as close to selling my soul as I'll ever get. 

7. Ditched an orientation event. Yes. That means I attended every. single. event. in high school. All of em. All the events? I was there. 

8. Left a long-term job. I said goodbye to my Lahaina Music peeps (at least till Christmas), but this is the first time since I graduated high school (at 16, holla at me!) that I've been unemployed. 

9. Put even marginal effort into decorating a room as soon as I moved in. 

YES. I did that. $3 for the wrapping paper, scissors, and scotch tape. 

And finally, number ten, on the "Things I've Done for The First Time (in the Last Ten Days)" list: 
10. Start a blog. As in, start a blog and post an actual blog post, instead of setting up a profile and forgetting the password (did you know I have a Tumblr? I barely know I have a Tumblr. Which means if you follow me there, that's cool. But since I never post there, it's basically like stalking someone by staking out their house, only they don't live there, leaving you to drink cold coffee and wonder if they're dead. Clearly, I'm not dead. I just rarely statistically never use Tumblr.) 

Once you go Full Tallulah, you can't die ever. 

So that's that. I'm sure I'll have posts about everything and nothing, but for now, much love and goodnight!